A short history of the Waterbury Lodge #265 beginnings
24 yrs. after the creation of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, 3 prominent Waterbury residents, who were members of the Elks in other towns (2 from Danbury Lodge #120 and 1 from New Haven Lodge #25), decided the time was right for Waterbury to have its own Elks Lodge. Through their efforts and the assistance of four other Waterbury residents who belonged to Meriden lodge #35 began recruiting. They were quite successful and on May 5th, 1893, a dispensation to form this new Lodge was Granted by the GER.
This lodge was instituted June 15th, 1893, at Hartford Lodge #19 and the charter granted on June 21st, 1893.
To learn about the history of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Click here.